Nelson & Associates Frisco Family Dentistry in Frisco, TX

"Nelson & Associates Frisco Family Dentistry"

Nelson & Associates Frisco Family Dentistry

About Nelson & Associates Frisco Family Dentistry

Whether you have a toothache or need your teeth cleaned, Nelson & Associates Frisco Family Dentistry can provide you with experienced dental care. We have been taking care of our patients' oral health since 1997 and are committed to keeping our knowledge and techniques consistent with the most advanced by engaging in ongoing learning opportunities. From the smallest service, we provide you with comprehensive oral care customized to your unique needs and are proud to be the recipient of the Reader's Choice BEST award for the past 9 years!

We have the most advanced 3D Cone Beam Scanners along with other state-of-the-art technology to deliver painless targeted treatment as our highly trained staff takes special care to handle your mouth gently throughout each appointment. We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and sedation (sleep dentistry) along with creature comforts like large relaxing aquariums in a warm setting that make dental visits comfortable.

Our friendly office team is happy to answer questions about flexible financing and/or our no dental insurance options so give us a call to make your appointment today ~

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Contact Information

5729 Lebanon Road, Suite 138
Frisco, TX

Hours of Operation: Mon-Friday 8-5

FREE Teeth Whitening for New Patients (a $199 Value)! Free teeth whitening w/ initial exam, necessary x-rays & cleaning at normal charge. Offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. Call our office today for more details.

9 years ago

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