
Welcome to Downtown Flagstaff, AZ

The destination for all seasons

"The destination for all seasons"

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  • Flagstaff

    Breathtaking beauty

  • Flagstaff

    Historic architecture

  • Flagstaff

    Fun whatever the season

A little about Flagstaff

The destination for all seasons, Flagstaff is alive with culture, beauty, and history. Located in the cool mountains near seven national parks and monuments and 80 miles from the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff offers excellent dining, shopping, outdoor recreation and accommodations.

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The history of Flagstaff

n 1855, Lieutenant Edward Fitzgerald Beale surveyed a road from the Rio Grande in New Mexico to Fort Tejon in California, and camped near the current location of Flagstaff. The lieutenant had his men cut the limbs from a straight Ponderosa Pine tree in order to fly the United States flag. In 1894, Massachusetts astronomer Percival Lowell hired A. E. Douglass to scout an ideal site for a new observatory. Douglass, impressed by Flagstaff's elevation, named it as an ideal location for the now famous Lowell Observatory, saying: "other things being equal, the higher we can get the better". Two years later, the specially designed 24-inch (610 mm) Clark telescope that Lowell had ordered was installed. In 1930, Pluto was discovered using one of the observatory's telescopes. In 1955 the U.S. Naval Observatory joined the growing astronomical presence, and established the United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station, where Pluto's satellite, Charon, was discovered in 1978

Contact Information

101 Historic Rte 66
Flagstaff, Arizona

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Businesses in Flagstaff, Arizona

Here is a collection of downtown Flagstaff, Arizona businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


The Artists' Gallery


A fine arts and crafts cooperative


West of the Moon Gallery


Fine art and craft, jewelry, ceramics and more


Black Barts Steakhouse, Saloon & Musical Revue


Live entertainment by our servers


The Museum Club


Arizona's premiere roadhouse and dance club!


Fall Inn to Nature Bed & Breakfast


Backs up to the National Forest


The Inn at 410 Bed and Breakfast


Located in historic downtown Flagstaff


Arizona Snowbowl

Museums / Attractions

777 skiable acres


Flagstaff Nordic Center

Museums / Attractions

Cross Country skiing, biking, hiking and camping


Altitudes Bar and Grill


Your local hang out!


Brix Restaurant and Wine Bar


Seasonal, farm focused, contemporary American cuisine


Country Host Restaurant


A fun, casual, family-friendly experience


Hiro's Sushi Bar and Japanese Restaurant


Best in Flagstaff 7 years running!


Arizona Mountain Outfitters


A full service hunting guide and outfitter


Black Hound Gallerie


Fun apparel, gifts and toys


P.J. Chillcottage


Satisfy your inner girly girl


Proper Meats and Provisions


Fresh artisan meats and charcuterie


Purl in the Pines


We are a full service yarn shop with an excellent selection


Sage Brush Trading


Locally owned clothing store and outfitter


Beaver Street Brewery

Winery / Brewery

Handcrafted ales and lagers


Hops on Birch

Winery / Brewery

Flagstaff's premier craft beer