
Welcome to Downtown West Monroe, LA

There is so much to Discover

"There is so much to Discover"

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  • West Monroe

    On the river

  • West Monroe

    The bayou wakes up

  • West Monroe

    We support the arts

A little about West Monroe

Duck into Monroe-West Monroe, the home town of the stars of A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. We've got unique shopping, tasty Louisiana food, and, from the Biedenharn's Coca-Cola to General Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers, Monroe-West Monroe is full of history and exciting adventure. Visit our museums, galleries, Downtown River Market, Landry Vineyards, and Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Be sure to visit our Calendar of Events for details on the great events happening in our area. In Monroe-West Monroe, there is so much to Discover!

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The history of West Monroe

Ouachita Parish was established March 31, 1807 when the Territory of Orleans was divided. The original Ouachita Parish was later divided into the nine parishes that currently makeup Northeast Louisiana (Morehouse, Union, Caldwell, Franklin, Tensas, Madison, and East and West Carroll). The name Ouachita originated from the Indian tribe who inhabited the area at the time of settlement. The city of Monroe is the parish seat for Ouachita. The twin cities of Monroe-West Monroe began when Don Juan Filhiol was hired to establish Fort Miro as a Spanish presence on the north Ouachita River. Fort Miro became Monroe in May of 1819 to honor President James Monroe and the first steamboat to travel up the Ouachita to North Louisiana. West Monroe received its name in 1880 from railroad workers who needed to name a new city just west of Monroe. In 1914, Joseph Biedenharn, the first bottler of Coca-Cola, built his home in Monroe and was actively involved in the city’s development until his death.

Contact Information

112 Professional Dr
West Monroe, Louisiana

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Businesses in West Monroe, Louisiana

Here is a collection of downtown West Monroe, Louisiana businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Becton Gallery


One artist's vision


Hamilton House Inn


Luxury bed & breakfast features five plush rooms


BBQ West


Best of the Delta winner


Lindz's Cafe


Great food at good prices


Not Just Pie


Come get


Samurai One


Modern/Art Deco dining experience


Warehouse No. 1 Restaurant


Authentic Louisiana Cuisine Since 1980


Cotton Port Spa


A full service salon and spa


Bent Oaks Boutique


Feel and look fabulous


Cotton Jen Creations


We create new cool from old fabric


Cotton Port Antique Mall


Cotton Port is the place to shop for Antiques


Imperial Galleries


Nation's largest Lampe Berger dealer


Old Town Guns & Gifts


A Unique Gun Store


Something Special II


Antique furniture, china, crystal and estate jewelry


Southern Lady


Antiques and collectibles to include American and European furniture




Fine English and French antiques