
Welcome to Downtown Waxahachie, TX

The Gingerbread City

"The Gingerbread City"

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  • Waxahachie

    Incredible architecture

  • Waxahachie

    They use us for movie locations

  • Waxahachie

    Homes of historic significance

A little about Waxahachie

Waxahachie is a certified Texas Main Street community.The city applied for and received Main Street designation in 1983 and participated in the program until 1990.In 2002, the city became re-certified as a Texas Main Street City.Since that time, Waxahachie has been recognized as a National Main Street City seven years out of the eight they were eligible to receive that distinction. Waxahachie was also recently one of three cities to receive the First Lady’s Texas Treasures Award! Waxahachie is an attractive tourist destination. The charm of the historic homes and buildings brings thousands of visitors to the city each year. While here, visitors enjoy numerous unique shopping opportunities, including antiques, specialty shops and boutiques.

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The history of Waxahachie

Waxahachie was founded in August 1850 as the seat of the newly established Ellis county on a donated tract of land given by early settler Emory W. Rogers, a native of Lawrence County, Alabama, who migrated to Texas in 1839. It was incorporated on April 28, 1871, and in 1875 the state legislature granted investors the right to operate a rail line from Waxahachie Tap Railroad to Garrett, Texas, which greatly increased the population of Waxahachie.

Contact Information

102 YMCA Dr
Waxahachie, Texas

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Businesses in Waxahachie, Texas

Here is a collection of downtown Waxahachie, Texas businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Shooting Star Ranch and Retreat


The best that nature has to offer


Winding Ridge Bed and Breakfast


Retreat to your own 22 private acres


Moonlight Dress Boutique


Wedding, Formal, Bridesmaid & Prom Dresses


Old Town Village Antiques


Do you yearn for treasures of old?


Shooters Edge


Premier store for hunting, sport shooting


The Dove's Nest Restaurant and Gift Shop


A gathering of Southern Cuisine, antiques and collectibles