
Welcome to Downtown Warrensburg, MO

The home of "Mans best friend"

"The home of "Mans best friend""

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  • Warrensburg

    Historic Downtown Warrenburg

  • Warrensburg
  • Warrensburg

    A place for family and friends.

A little about Warrensburg

Warrensburg has been at the crossroads of commerce and history for over 150 years.

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The history of Warrensburg

Warrensburg’s exciting future remains anchored to its colorful frontier past. The town’s history dates back to 1833 when Martin Warren arrived from Kentucky and settled along the Osage Indian Trail. In 1834, the county of Johnson was designated, and the town of Columbus was the center of county government until 1836. In 1838, a group of early Missouri leaders, including Daniel Morgan Boone, chose the site for the county courthouse in the growing village that was to become Warrensburg. The county court commissioned the building of the courthouse in that same year, and it took four years to complete. Incorporation as a city came in 1855, and the railroad arrived in 1864. A thriving new commercial district sprouted along the tracks, five blocks southeast of the original town (or town square), and nearby sandstone quarries helped spur growth.

Contact Information

100 S Holden
Warrensburg, Missouri

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Businesses in Warrensburg, Missouri

Here is a collection of downtown Warrensburg, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Gelbach Manor Bed and Breakfast


Romantic, luxurious and historic


Central Missouri Speedway

Museums / Attractions

Home of the Saturday night thrill


The Downtown Studio

Museums / Attractions

A place to create, relax and have fun.


Fitter's Restaurant and Pub


Your number one place to go, relax and have a good time!


Roundabout Cafe & Ice Cream Shoppe


Great local breakfast options!


Glasscock Jewelry Corner


Your hometown jeweler for over 30 years.


Impulse Boutique


Trendy, one-of-a-kind items!


Treasured Blessings Gifts & Decor


Each item is a treasured blessing.