
Welcome to Downtown Trenton, MO

History made and making history.

"History made and making history."

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  • Trenton

    Grundy County Courthouse

  • Trenton

    Crowder State Park

  • Trenton


A little about Trenton

Trenton is the seat of Grundy County. Our population today is 6,001. Industry, education, agriculture and retail trade currently make up the economic base of our lovely community. Located just 96 miles northeast of Kansas City, Trenton lies in an ideal spot for trade and travel. U.S. Highway 65 bypasses the city’s east edge, and Highway 6 runs directly through the downtown area, travels through the Amish community of Jamesport, and meets Interstate 35 as it runs on its east-west course.

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The history of Trenton

In 1869, the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad arrived in Trenton. In 1890 Avalon College, which had been founded in Avalon, Missouri by the United Brethren in 1869, moved to Trenton because of proximity to the railroad. The college directly loaned money to the students and they could work at the school's canning, farming and novelty wood working businesses. n 1925, Trenton Junior College was established (which is now North Central Missouri College). Through expansion projects and support from numerous people, North Central Missouri College has developed into a major agricultural and nursing educational institution for the state of Missouri. Recent construction additions have added to the size of the main campus, and a current project will establish a satellite agricultural location directly south of Trenton.

Contact Information

611 E. 9th Street
Trenton, Missouri

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Businesses in Trenton, Missouri

Here is a collection of downtown Trenton, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Dorris Rider Art Gallery


A collection of professional and student art


Snappy's Tavern


Just your friendly neighborhood bar.


Styles Unlimited

Health / Wellness

Your personal style provider


Grundy County Museum

Museums / Attractions

An interesting collection of the history of Grundy County.


Riverside Country Club

Museums / Attractions

Highest rated nine hole course in North Missouri.




Great food, live entertainment, pool and more.


El Nopal


A taste of Mexico in Trenton


Trenton Main Street Mall


A great selection of vintage and antique.


Veach Saddlery Company


Over 100 years of craftsmanship


Vintage Vines


When you need something special


Black Silo Winery

Winery / Brewery

A beautiful winery and wedding venue.