Ladoga Ridge Winery in Smithville, MO

"Just a great way to spend time"

Ladoga Ridge Winery

About Ladoga Ridge Winery

We sit on approximately 4 acres of vineyard. You can taste a variety of wines from sweet to dry, 3 complimentary, 8 for $5.00. Wine slushies available from April through October. Seating indoors and out. Offer great ambiance with spectacular views and sunsets. Sometimes offer live music and the fire pit is lit. Rentals available. Check website for more info. No weddings or receptions. Must be 21. Minors may accompany an adult in the tasting room for sales only.

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Contact Information

100 E. Pope Lane
Smithville, MO

Hours of Operation: Wed.-Thu 12-6 pm Fri.-Sat.11-8 pm Sun.12 to 6 pm

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Where is Ladoga Ridge Winery