
Welcome to Downtown Salem, OR

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"Absolutely Oregon!"

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A little about Salem

Salem serves as the capital city for the state of Oregon. It also serves as home to a remarkable variety of cultural and outdoor attractions which surround us. The Willamette Valley is home to an incredible diversity of agriculture and we are known for our fresh vegetables and fruits, especially cherries. We are also proud of our local wineries and breweries. Salem will be an experience you will never forget.

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The history of Salem

The Native Americans who inhabited the central Willamette Valley at first European contact, the Kalapuya, called the area Chim-i-ki-ti, which means "meeting or resting place" in the Central Kalapuya language (Santiam). When the Methodist Mission moved to the area, they called the new establishment Chemeketa; although it was more widely known as the Mill, because of its situation on Mill Creek. The first people of European descent arrived in the area as early as 1812; they were animal trappers and food gatherers for the fur trading companies in Astoria, Oregon. Agriculture has always been important to Salem, and the city has historically recognized and celebrated it in a number of ways. In 1861, Salem was chosen as the permanent site of the Oregon State Fair by the Oregon State Agricultural Association. Salem is nicknamed the "Cherry City", because of the past importance of the local cherry-growing industry.

Contact Information

181 High St NE
Salem, Oregon

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Businesses in Salem, Oregon

Here is a collection of downtown Salem, Oregon businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Today's Hair Salon & Day Spa

Health / Wellness

Hair, facials, manicures, pedicures and more


Airlie Farm Bed and Breakfast


Located on 226 spectacular, scenic acres


Betty's Bed and Breakfast


A place that celebrates the details


Edward Adams House Bed and Breakfast


A perfectly restored six room Queen Anne Victorian home


Bentley's Grill


Located in the Grand Hotel


Cafe 22 West


Family-owned tasty diner


Croissant & Company


A bakery and deli


Gamberetti's Italian Restaurant


Italian, vegan and vegetarian


Nagoya Steakhouse and Sushi


Thoughtfully prepared Japanese Cuisine


Apples to Oranges


Incredible selection of yarns, teas and gifts


Cooke Stationary Company


Stationary and office supplies


Debra Herring Studio


Unique woman’s clothing, gifts and accessories.


Ranch Records


Great selection of vinyl and music


Gigamesh Brewing

Winery / Brewery

Only the finest quality ingredients available


Rogue Farms Chatoe Rogue Tasting Room

Winery / Brewery

Farm to bottle, beer, spirit and soda