St. Joseph Auction & Antique Market in Saint Joseph, MO

"Classic collectibles and timeless pieces"

St. Joseph Auction & Antique Market

About St. Joseph Auction & Antique Market

What a refreshing atmosphere Chip and Julia have created! Step back in time inside this old Chase Candy company building, home of the Cherry Mash! You will find cookies and coffee waiting just inside the front door, neatly making use of an old kitchen hutch. But there's so much more! A friendly atmosphere where people gather at a 50's ice cream parlor counter top; complete with bar stools! you can make a new friend over coffee or browse the spacious isles of antiques, displayed in well kept pride. Just when you think you might have seen it all, there's a whole show case of furniture to be discovered!

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Contact Information


3600 S Leonard Rd
Saint Joseph, MO

Hours of Operation: Daily 10am - 6pm

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