Lura Landis Photography

About Lura Landis Photography
What about us? Well…first, there aren’t many people who enjoy their job more than us. Everyday we count it as a blessing to be making amazing images for people. We love our profession! Lura Photography opened it’s doors in 2006 at our location at 309 Main Street in Platte City, Missouri. Life changed and we needed to move to St. Joseph in 2009…and the only location option in our minds was DOWNTOWN. We moved to the Kirkpatrick building on 7th street and that was our home until April, 2011. Our new location at 724 Francis is our latest stop and it is perfect for us!
Lura Landis Photography is a family affair. Lura owns the business…and her niece-in-law, Amber does all the work. Not entirely, but I’m sure it seems that way to Amber! I (Lura) studied photography and studio operations with my former employer for 16 years. I’ve since taken several courses and continue to learn and refine my craft.
Contact Information
724 Francis Street
Saint Joseph, MO
Hours of Operation: Call for an appointment
We are scheduling graduation photos now!
9 years ago
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Where is Lura Landis Photography