
Welcome to Downtown Red Wing, MN

Transformed by time

"Transformed by time"

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    Downtown Red Wing

A little about Red Wing

There is plenty to do and see in Red Wing. Activities range from taking tours of the town while on the "Red Wing Trolley" to watching pottery being created at the Red Wing Pottery Salesroom. One can also go on a bike ride while on the Cannon Valley Trail. Red Wing also holds the World’s Largest Boot at the Red Wing Shoe Store & Museum.There are tours of this factory Monday – Friday during the summer and fall. Those who live in Red Wing tend to enjoy the outdoors by rock climbing the bluffs, having picnics alongside the Mississippi River at Bay Point or Levee Park, or just by simply walking around the town.

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The history of Red Wing

In the early 1850s, settlers from Mississippi River steamboats came to Red Wing to farm the lush fields in Goodhue County. They grew wheat, the annual crop of which could pay the cost of the land. Before the railroads crisscrossed the territory of Goodhue County. It Produced more wheat than any other county in the country, and in 1873 Red Wing led the country in the amount of wheat sold by farmers. The warehouses in the port of Red Wing could store and export more than a million bushels of wheat. Once the railroads connected southern Minnesota with Minneapolis and Saint Anthony, where the largest flour mills were built, the port at Red Wing lost prominence. In the last half of the twentieth century, the United States Army Corps of Engineers built locks and dams and deepened the channel in the river.

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Red Wing, Minnesota

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Businesses in Red Wing, Minnesota

Here is a collection of downtown Red Wing, Minnesota businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


St James Hotel


Small town attitude, world class comfort


Aliveo Military Museum

Museums / Attractions

Visit the artifacts of those who fought


Falconer Vineyard's Winery

Museums / Attractions

Family owned winery, enjoy our efforts


Red Wing Brewery

Museums / Attractions

We were the first and we thing the best of Red Wing


Red Wing Pottery and Shops

Museums / Attractions

Creating pottery since 1865


Red Wing Shoe Store

Museums / Attractions

See the world's biggest boot


Treasure Island Resort and Casino

Museums / Attractions

Fun for all awaits at the lake


Andy's Sports Bar and Grill


Your home town bar away from home


Bev's Cafe


Red Wing's oldest restaurant




Fun, homemade, gluten free available


Fiesta Mexicana


Authentic Mexican Food and Cantina


Kelly's Bar


41 brews on tap, we have your old favorite or your new one


Wheelhouse Cycles


We rent and repair bikes and sell bikes and accessories


Cut Above Home Store


Home accessories and much more


Kiki's Simple Abundance


Organic, fresh, healthy foods and supplements


Larry's Jugs Antiques


Specializing in Red Wink pottery and crockery


Red Wing Confectionery


Handcrafted preservative free chocolate delights