
Welcome to Downtown Okoboji, IA

Iowa's Great Lakes

"Iowa's Great Lakes"

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  • Okoboji

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  • Okoboji

    We like to ride

A little about Okoboji

The main attractions of the Okoboji area are the glacier-carved lakes. This beautiful chain of lakes extends from the Minnesota border southwest several miles and covers approximately 15,000 acres. The Iowa Great Lakes include Iowa’s largest natural lake, Spirit Lake and five interconnect lakes: West Okoboji, East Okoboji, Upper Gar, Lower Gar, and Minnewashta. Spring-fed West Lake Okoboji is a beautiful shade of blue and 134 feet deep. It is the centerpiece of the five chain lakes, and the surrounding communities provide the backdrop for Okoboji’s year-round playground.

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The history of Okoboji

Okoboji is a major summer tourism area. A growing number of resorts around the Iowa Great Lakes and the proximity of other tourist-friendly sites, such as Arnolds Park and Spirit Lake, have contributed to its growing popularity. Okoboji has also become a recognizable name around the country due to the sales of many products that proudly display the town name in bold letters. Visitors to Okoboji will immediately notice bumper stickers, mugs and sweatshirts touting the fictitious University of Okoboji where many locals claim to have received an education. University of Okoboji T-shirts or sweatshirts are popular with college students in the Midwest.

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Okoboji, Iowa

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Businesses in Okoboji, Iowa

Here is a collection of downtown Okoboji, Iowa businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Boulders Inn and Suites


An Opportunity to Relax in Style


Engels Lakeside Bed & Breakfast


Nestled among the Oaks on the lake


Fieldstone RV Park


Approximately 100 campsites


Fillenwarth Beach Resort


Family run since 1918


Arnolds Perk


Open May through September


Betsy's Diner


Specials are served daily


Captain's Getaway


Fun place, great food and drink


Rabab's Neighborhood Bistro


Experience the difference


Antiques, Etc


Your go-to source for antiques


Bungalow 29


Contemporary yet classic


Hey, Good Cookies!


Baked goods, coffee, soup and sandwiches


Homeology Decor & Boutique


Home Decor and Boutique


The Three Sons


Headquarters of the University of Okoboji