
Welcome to Downtown Moscow, ID

Heart of the Arts

"Heart of the Arts"

Click these category icons to view Moscow businesses

  • Moscow

    Nature incorporated, part of our daily life

  • Moscow

    Our downtown was built for comforatable use

  • Moscow

    Vistas to remember

A little about Moscow

Nestled between the beautiful rolling hills of the Palouse and various national forests, Moscow is renowned for its community rich with culture, education, shopping, and year ‘round outdoor recreational opportunities. The city features a plethora of urban amenities including music festivals, art exhibitions, cutting-edge restaurants, boutiques, book stores, coffee shops and much more. You get big city attributes with the small town friendliness and safety.

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The history of Moscow

Miners and farmers began arriving in the northern Idaho area after the Civil War. The first permanent settlers came to the Moscow area in 1871. The abundance of camas bulbs, a favorite fodder of pigs brought by the farmers, led to naming the vicinity "Hog Heaven." When the first US post office opened in 1872, the town was called "Paradise Valley," but the name was changed to "Moscow" in 1875. The name Paradise persists with the main waterway through town, Paradise Creek, which originates at the west end of the Palouse Range, flows south to the Troy Highway, and west to Pullman where it enters the South Fork of the Palouse River.

Contact Information

411 S Main St
Moscow, Idaho

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Businesses in Moscow, Idaho

Here is a collection of downtown Moscow, Idaho businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Essential Glass Works Art Gallery & Fine Gifts


A family owned art gallery


UI Prichard Art Gallery


An a contemporary art space


Andriette's Bed, Book, and Bicycle


Stay in this unique award winning home


Browne Block Guesthouse


Above Camas Prairie Winery


Idaho Inn


Clean, affordable rooms


Paradise View Bed & Breakfast


On the shoulder of Moscow Mountain with unsurpassed views


Wylie Lauder House Bed and Breakfast


Over 100 years in the making


Camas Prairie Winery

Museums / Attractions

Northern Idaho's oldest production winery


Bloom Cafe


An independent art house and cafe offering gluten free


Antiques by Russ


Antique shop & gallery


Northwest River Supplies


We use what we build


Paradise Creek Bicycles


Moscow's premier bicycle shop