
Welcome to Downtown Moberly, MO

The Magic City

"The Magic City"

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    Train Museum

  • Moberly

    Nature has a home

  • Moberly

    A proud community

A little about Moberly

For those who enjoy a quiet drive in the country, an Amish community is found in the southeastern part of the county. Stretching into several surrounding counties, this area provides an opportunity for a glimpse of the way things were done when horses supplied the power. There is even an Amish store where you can shop for home-grown produce and other items. Drive 18 miles east of Moberly on Highway 24 and take Route C to one of the last remaining covered bridges in the state of Missouri – the Union Covered Bridge is a piece of history the entire family will enjoy seeing.

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The history of Moberly

Randolph County was carved from its neighbor to the west, Chariton County, in 1829. The area was sparsely populated at the time, but the town of Huntsville had been in existence for at least eight years when the new county was formed. Sometimes known as Little Dixie, the area was settled by pioneers from the southern states of Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Some were slave owners, others strict abolitionists. During the Civil War no major battles were fought on county soil, but the war took its toll. The North Missouri Railroad Company, with its north-south line, was a target of both sides. The town of Renick was burned twice and many families lost loved ones to the cause.

Contact Information

211 West Reed
Moberly, Missouri

A perfect little place to explore and have a good time with family and friends

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Businesses in Moberly, Missouri

Here is a collection of downtown Moberly, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Heritage Hills Golf Course

Museums / Attractions

The public course that feels like a private club.


Shepherd Farms

Museums / Attractions

Homemade quality and farm fresh


Bubba's Burger Bar and Egg Emporium


We do breakfast and lunch right


The Brick Family Restaurant


Breakfast all day, every day!


Image Makers Salon and Spa


Relax. Unwind. Enjoy.


Becraft Jewelers


Serving Moberly since 1962


Cinderella's Closet


New and gently used clothing and accessories


Duval and Reid Menswear


Menswear from casual to formal


Moberly Antique Mall


I f we don't have it, you don't need it.