
Welcome to Downtown Los Alamos, NM

Significant history, spectacular location

"Significant history, spectacular location"

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  • Los Alamos

    Our people have been here for awhile

  • Los Alamos

    Life better lived in color

  • Los Alamos

    Four Seasons of fun

A little about Los Alamos

Los Alamos, New Mexico is a place of ancient village sites, spectacular scenery, diverse wildlife, uncommon high-altitude recreational opportunities, small-town friendliness, world-class cultural activities, fascinating history, and world-changing technology development. Visit us and you will make your own discoveries at every turn in the road, bend in the trail, and visit to one of our many attractions.

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The history of Los Alamos

Los Alamos is built on the Pajarito Plateau between White Rock Canyon and the Valles Caldera, part of the Jemez Mountains. The Jemez Mountains are predominantly formed by the 18.7 Ma to 50 ka Jemez volcanic field. Volcanic activity in the Jemez Mountains culminated with the formation of two geographically coincident calderas, the 1.61 Ma Toledo caldera and 1.25 Ma Valles caldera, both of which lie to the west. In 1942, during World War II, the Department of War began looking for a remote location for the Manhattan Project. The school was closed when the government used its power of eminent domain to take over the Ranch School and all the remaining homestead that same year. The Ranch School was paid $225 per acre while the homesteaders were paid only between $7 and $15 per acre. All information about the town was highly classified until the bombing of Hiroshima.

Contact Information

109 Central Park Square
Los Alamos, New Mexico

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Businesses in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Here is a collection of downtown Los Alamos, New Mexico businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Fuller Lodge Art Center


art for life


Atomic City Van Tours

Museums / Attractions

Rich in history, archaeology, geology, and scenery


Don Quixote Distillery and Winery

Museums / Attractions

New Mexico's Oldest Distillery


Blue Window Bistro


Serving Los Alamos for over 30 years


El Parasol


The excellent tastes of Northern New Mexico


Origami Japanese Restaurant


Japanese cuisine well prepared




A Department Store Like No Other


Flowers by Gillian


Beauty delivered


Pet Pangaea


Our world revolves around your pet!


Rose Chocolatier


Satisfy Your Chocolate Cravings