Gold n Designs in Lee's Summit, MO

"Design makes a difference"

Gold n Designs

About Gold n Designs

Our professional, caring staff is happy to assist in selecting the perfect piece, whether it is premade or a one-of-a-kind design. "If the customer can't find what she's looking for, we can make it," says Dale Hurt, GND's owner and operator. "She can pick out a stone and then we'll work out a design. Satisfied customers are our goal.

Dale Hurt, a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America, and the staff have won a number of national and local awards from such organizations as DeBeers, Platinum Guild International and the Missouri Jewelers and Watchmaker's Association.

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Contact Information

239 SE Main Street
Lee's Summit, MO

Hours of Operation: 10 to 5 Tue - Fri, 10 to 3 Sat

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