Katie's Dance Studio in Leavenworth, KS

"Dance, acrobatics, music for life "

Katie's Dance Studio

About Katie's Dance Studio

At Katie's Acrobat, Dance and Music Studio, we want to give every student the experience that will develop their skills, and teach them the joy of the arts to last a lifetime! As a dance educator for 32 years and elementary educator for 26 years, Miss Katie believes that each child is unique, talented and special. She and her staff work to help each child reach their personal potential, to be their best self and never give up! Motivation, discipline, confidence, joy= Dance. Dance changes Everything!

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Contact Information

1290 Eisenhower Rd
Leavenworth, KS

Hours of Operation: Mon-Wed: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Where is Katie's Dance Studio