
Welcome to Downtown Kauai,

The Garden Island

"The Garden Island"

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    Lagoons worth visiting

  • Kauai

    It gets no fresher

  • Kauai

    Sunsets of distinction

A little about Kauai

Unwind and let the oxygen-rich air of Kauai's Wailua River invigorate your spirit as you kayak to a cascading waterfall. Or breathe deeply at the edge of the time-swept Waimea Canyon as it speaks to you without words. On Kauai, native fishponds amaze with 1,000-year old forward thinking, while legends of the Napali Coast transport you back in time. From the small towns of Hanapepe and Old Koloa Town to sunny Poipu Beach, this is truly "Hawaii's Island of Discovery."

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The history of Kauai

In 1778, Captain James Cook arrived at Waimea Bay, the first European known to have reached the Hawaiian islands. He named the archipelago after his patron the 6th Earl of Sandwich, George Montagu. During the reign of King Kamehameha, the islands of Kauaʻi and Niʻihau were the last Hawaiian Islands to join his Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. Their ruler, Kaumualiʻi, resisted Kamehameha for years. King Kamehameha twice prepared a huge armada of ships and canoes to take the islands by force, and twice failed; once due to a storm, and once due to an epidemic. In the face of the threat of a further invasion, however, Kaumualiʻi decided to join the kingdom without bloodshed. In 1815–17, Kaumualiʻi led secret negotiations with representatives of the Russian-American Company in an attempt to gain Russia's military support against Kamehameha. After it was revealed that they did not have the support of Tsar Alexander I.

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Kauai, Hawaii

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Businesses in Kauai, Hawaii

Here is a collection of downtown Kauai, Hawaii businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Smith Family Garden Luau


Celebrate the Hawaiian spirit of aloha


Jewel of Paradise Memories


Family owned


Aqua Kauai Beach Resort


Claim your front row seat in paradise


Koloa Zipline

Museums / Attractions

See nature like never before


Makai Golf Club at the St. Regis

Museums / Attractions

A beautiful challenge


Poipu Bay Golf Course

Museums / Attractions

A course unlike any other


Brennecke's Beach Broiler


Right on Poipu Beach


Duke's Canoe Club


On the sand at Kalapaki Beach


Keoki's Paradise


One of the Island’s most striking destinations


Papalani Gelato


We love gelato, chocolates, and Hawaii


The St. Regis Bar


Unsurpassed view of Bali Hai


Aloha with Touch Kauai


A doorway into one's own soul


Kauai Made


Check or site for items of distinction


Kong Lung Trading


Quality goods of lasting value


Koloa Rum Company

Winery / Brewery

It all started here!