
Welcome to Downtown Kalona, IA


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  • Kalona

    We have been serving visitors for over 150 years

  • Kalona

    We know it's fresh,we make here

  • Kalona

    We painted the town red.....and white

A little about Kalona

Kalona invites you to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures and living history of the area's rich Amish heritage. Spend a day in our delightful community and you'll understand why visitors from all over the world describe the town's atmosphere as wonderfully authentic.

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The history of Kalona

The Kalona area is home to the largest Amish Mennonite settlement west of the Mississippi River, which began when three Old Order Amish families established homesteads near Deer Creek in 1846, the year Iowa became a state. Savor the pioneer spirit that still thrives today in this progressive community with its quaint downtown and countryside shops and cottage industries.

Contact Information

514 B Ave
Kalona, Iowa

Where is Kalona

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Businesses in Kalona, Iowa

Here is a collection of downtown Kalona, Iowa businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Riverside Golf Resort


Discover what it's like to Live It Up!


Ardon Creek Vineyards

Museums / Attractions

Ardon Creek offers a variety of dry, semi-dry and sweet wines.


Kalona Historical Village

Museums / Attractions

Explore our scenic 1800's village


Kalona Bakery


Old family recipe Amish bakery


Kalona Family Restaurant


Good food at great prices


Tuscan Moon


Inside, outside or at the bar, simple food served well


English River Antiques


45 years of experience in antiques


Kalona Antique Company


We welcome you into a different kind of antique store


Kalona Chocolates


Homemade, handmade goodness


Village Shoppe


The home for handcrafted artistry