Jonesborough Antique Mart in Jonesborough, TN

"Things to be found no where else"

Jonesborough Antique Mart

About Jonesborough Antique Mart

Nearly 150 years ago the Jonesborough Antique Mart started its story as a hardware shop. Farmers from the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee could come and buy nails, seeds, and farming equipment. Today, over 30 antique dealers fill more than 10,000 square feet of antiques, vintage clothing, Victorian furniture, early 1900s sterling silver, depression glassware, primitives, Christia’s Artware, Blue Ridge Pottery, collectibles, dolls, Boyd’s Bears, memorabilia and more. This is a collector’s paradise!

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Contact Information

115 East Main Street
Jonesborough, TN

Hours of Operation: Daily 11-5

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Where is Jonesborough Antique Mart