Blair Moore House Bed and Breakfast in Jonesborough, TN

"Stately and elegant"

Blair Moore House Bed and Breakfast

About Blair Moore House Bed and Breakfast

The Blair-Moore house offers gracious overnight accommodations in a lovely restored home dating from the early 1800’s. It is conveniently located downtown in the heart of Jonesborough's Historic District. Each guest room has a private en-suite bathroom, private porch, canopy bed, vintage linens, carefully chosen art and period Tennessee and southern furniture (almost 100% of the furnishings are antiques).

Tami has studied at four of the most prestigious culinary schools including Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France. She now utilizes her skills in preparing a multi-course breakfast for guests at the Blair-Moore House that are beautiful and delicious.

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Contact Information

201 West Main Street
Jonesborough, TN

Hours of Operation: Call for availability

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Where is Blair Moore House Bed and Breakfast