
Welcome to Downtown Jackson Hole, WY

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A little about Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole is encompassed on all sides by mountain barriers. The hole - or valley - is 48 miles long and for the most part, six to eight miles wide, embracing an area of approximately 400 square miles. It lies a few miles west of the Continental Divide and occupies the central portion of the headwaters of the Snake River. Mountain streams converge radically toward it from the surrounding highlands, and the Snake River receives these as it flows through the valley. With so many mountain ranges within a stone's throw, Jackson is a hub of outdoor recreation opportunity. Wildlife watching is easy here; elk, deer, and many other small mammals can be found throughout the valley. A plethora of bird species hangs in the valley throughout the year including various ducks, geese and even swans. As it is with mountain ranges, skiing is the major winter pastime.

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The history of Jackson Hole

The valley is thought to have been named after David Edward "Davey" Jackson who trapped beaver in the area in the early nineteenth century as part of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company.[1] Though used by Native Americans for hunting and ceremonial purposes, the valley was not known to harbor year-round human settlement prior to the 1870s. Descriptions of the valley and its features were recorded in the journals of John Colter, who had been a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. After returning to the Rocky Mountains, Colter entered the region in 1807 in the vicinity of Togwotee Pass and became the first white American to see the valley. His reports of the valley, the Teton Range and the Yellowstone region to the north were viewed by people of the day with skepticism. The first people to settle the region were Native Americans, then fur trappers, and then homesteaders. Because the soil is not ideal for raising crops, the valley was used for cattle.

Contact Information

112 Center St
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

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Businesses in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Here is a collection of downtown Jackson Hole, Wyoming businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Antler Gallery


Antler Workshop & Gallery


Vertical Peaks Fine Art


Much of our art is inspired by Wyoming's natural beauty


Hotel Terra


Luxury Redefined. Both contemporary and elegant


Teton View Bed & Breakfast


Overwhelming beauty outside your window


The Bentwood Inn


Grand, luxurious, relaxing and cozy


The Hostel


The affordable stay for Jackson Hole fun


The Wildflower Inn


2013 tripadvisor certificate of excellence


Bitteroot Ranch

Museums / Attractions

Dude Ranch Extraordinaire


Jackson Hole Mountain Guides

Museums / Attractions

Providing expert guiding and climbing for over 40 years


Jackson Hole Mountain Resort

Museums / Attractions

A world of wonder everyday of the year


Blue Lion


Providing remarkable food for 34 years


Nani's Ristorante & Bar


Promoting the Italian Culture through authentic cuisine


Persephone Bakery


Artisanal breads and pastries


Rendezvous Bistro


Sophisticated yet casual neighborhood restaurant


Snake River Grill


Wood fired grill wonderfulness


Body Sage Spa


Experience the essence of the Tetons


Beaver Creek Hat & Leather Company


Western Apparel including Cowboy hats and boots


Dragon Lady Teas


Loose Leaf Tea for the PEOPLE!!


Estate Collectables


An eclectic mix of Western and European antiques


Hoback Sports


ServingJackson Hole locals with their Ski and Bike needs since 1976


Teton Kids


Childrens clothing boutique


Thoenig's Fine Jewelry


A vast array of intricately worked pieces