Hofer's of Helen Bakery & Cafe in Helen, GA

"Old World recipes and flavor"

Hofer's of Helen Bakery & Cafe

About Hofer's of Helen Bakery & Cafe

Hofers Bakery & Cafe is an Authentic Bavarian Bakery and Cafe located just north of the square in Helen on Main Street. European Cakes, Pastries, and "Old World" Breads compliment our delicious Breakfast and Lunch served in our relaxing dining room. Visit our "Gift Vault" where you will find many unique imported foods and gift items. Mail order service is available.

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Contact Information


8758 North Main St
Helen, GA

Hours of Operation: 8am - 5pm Mon - Thurs, 8am - 6pm Fri - Sun

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Where is Hofer's of Helen Bakery & Cafe