
Welcome to Downtown Granville, OH

English architecture in Ohio

"English architecture in Ohio"

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    Downtown Granville

  • Granville

    The Bruxton Inn

A little about Granville

Granville is known for its New England character and historic architecture, including the Greek Revival Avery Downer House and many others. The Buxton Inn (1812) and the Granville Inn (1924) are two landmarks of Granville. Artists come from all over to show and sell their work at Granville's shows and galleries.

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The history of Granville

Granville is the location of the prehistoric Alligator Effigy Mound, built by the indigenous people of the Fort Ancient culture, between 800 and 1200 CE, more than four hundred years before European contact. It may be an effigy of the underwater panther featured in Native American mythology. The mound is listed on the National Register of Historic Places

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Granville, Ohio

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Businesses in Granville, Ohio

Here is a collection of downtown Granville, Ohio businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Gallery M Collections


We collect interesting and accessible art


Kussmaul Gallery


Bring art into your life


Studio on the Rise


The work of artist Mary Peden


George T. Jones House


Victorian home on the National Register of Historic Places


The Broadway Guest House


Thoroughly modern and tasteful lodgings


The Buxton Inn


Ohio's oldest continuously operated Inn


The Granville Inn


A historic English manor inn, and a landmark


The Welsh Hills Inn


TripAdvisor's Travelers Choice Award


Aladdin Diner


We're a diner, nuf said


Day Y Noche


Day Y Noche serves homemade, fresh Mexican food


River Road Coffeehouse


Locally owned and we take coffee personally


New Day Spa II


Providing an unparalleled experience


Everest Gear


The best of outdoor apparel and equipment


Goumas Confections


Fourth Generation Candymakers


Granville Gourmet Whoopie Pies


Have some Whoopie