
Welcome to Downtown Glasgow, MO

History by the River

"History by the River"

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  • Glasgow

    The Glasgow Bridge

  • Glasgow

    Downtown Glasgow

  • Glasgow

    Historic Architecture

A little about Glasgow

Steamboat whistles still echo in the valley surrounding Glasgow.

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The history of Glasgow

Located on a bend on the Missouri River, Glasgow has been an important port, in its early days for the shipping of hemp and tobacco to the evolution to the grain plying the river today. Glasgow was also the spot selected for the first multi-span steel bridge in America in 1879. Glasgow has survived pitched Civil War battles, floods and the march of time to leave most of its original historic architecture intact.

Contact Information

100 Market Street
Glasgow, Missouri

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Businesses in Glasgow, Missouri

Here is a collection of downtown Glasgow, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Riverport Market


Paintings, sculpture, jewelry and other items made by the creative.


Chariton Lodge Bed & Breakfast


Our guests come back.


Hilltop Bed and Breakfast


We like company and it shows.


River Villa Bed and Breakfast


Friendly house to call your own.


Town & Country Wagon Rides

Museums / Attractions

We make your hay ride fun.




We have an ecclectic menu created for almost any taste


Fish Beak Saloon


We want you to have fun and we make it so.


River Bend Cafe


Tasty and honest fare.


The Rolling Pin Bakery


Fresh baked goods, sandwiches and desserts.


Glasgow Trading Post


Old school trading post offering handmade and carefully crafted items


The Corner Store


We have things you need and things you forgot you needed.


Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe


See what we have to offer, inventory changes often.