
Welcome to Downtown Fayetteville, AR

A surprising place!

"A surprising place!"

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A little about Fayetteville

We are proud to be the home of the University of Arkansas but we are so much more. You will find small town charm with amenities and things to do usually found in a community much larger. Restaurants, shopping, entertainment and outdoor spaces make us a favorite for visitors and residents alike. We can't wait to see you!

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The history of Fayetteville

In 1828, George McGarrah settled at Big Spring with his family on the modern day corner of Spring and Willow, founding the town of Washington, and starting work on the courthouse. Later in the year Postmaster Larkin Newton changed the name to the Fayetteville Courthouse, to avoid confusing with Washington, Hempstead County. During the American Civil War, the Union General Samuel Ryan Curtis occupied Fayetteville on Feb 18, 1862 and the following week, the Battle of Pea Ridge took place northeast of Fayetteville. The city housed wounded soldiers from the Battle of Prairie Grove in December 1862, and housed injured troops on Dickson Street. Confederate troops besieged Union soldiers in Fayetteville on April 18, 1863 at the present-day intersection of [College Avenue (U.S. Route 71B) and Dickson Street, and at their headquarters.

Contact Information

21 S Block Ave
Fayetteville, Arkansas

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Businesses in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Here is a collection of downtown Fayetteville, Arkansas businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Art Emporium


Gallery & Custom Framing Since 1974


Heartwood Gallery


All work produced by local artisans


Lokomotion Family Fun Park


Karts, laser tag, mini-golf, bumper boats and more!


Stonebridge Meadows Golf Course


The premier golfing destination in Northwest Arkansas


Luxe Beauty

Health / Wellness

Medical Day Spa


David Adams Fine Jewelry


Custom designed fine jewelry


Inn at Carnall Hall


Your home at the University of Arkansas


The Dickson Street Inn


Beautifully appointed rooms and suites


3 Crazy Berries


12 flavors of frozen yogurt




Mexican food for the hungry


Boar's Nest BBQ


Delta BBQ and Bayou Classics


Doe's Eat Place


Rated one of top steaks in America


Kobe Hibachi Grill & Sushi


Teppanyaki cuisine, sushi, and Japanese/American fusion


Dickson Street Book Shop


General and out-of-print bookshop


Fox Trot Boutique


Women's apparel and accessories


French Metro Antiques


French antique furnishings and accessories


Fuller's Furnishings


Unique, fun gifts, lamps, furniture and accessories


Himalayan Mountain Shop


Unique handcrafted gifts and fashionable clothes


Lola Boutique


Lovers of beautiful clothing.


Hog Haus Brewing Co

Winery / Brewery

Micro brewery and restaurant