Pro Cycle and Triathlon in Fairhope, AL

"Professional fitting to meet your goals "

Pro Cycle and Triathlon

About Pro Cycle and Triathlon

We are Fairhope's bicycle shop and the Gulf Coast premier destination bicycle and triathlon pro shop. Helping our clients reach their goals and providing them with the best service and products available is our #1 goal. We have a friendly and knowledgible staff who are ready to help you with all of your cycling and triathlon needs.

We are professional bicycle fitting experts. We are certified by the top fit schools in the cycling industry including Retul 3D motion capture, Bike Fit Pro, F.I.S.T. triathlon fitting, Body Geometry FIT and Trek fitting services. Email joseph@procycleandtri to schedule a professional bicycle fit.

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Contact Information

510 Fairhope Ave
Fairhope, AL

Hours of Operation: Tue-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5

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Where is Pro Cycle and Triathlon