
Welcome to Downtown Dothan, AL

A friendly, engaging Southern town

"A friendly, engaging Southern town"

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  • Dothan

    A charming downtown

  • Dothan

    We love our peanuts!

  • Dothan

    Fun things to do!

A little about Dothan

Ideally located in Southeast Alabama, Dothan offers to both visitors and travelers excellent dining, shopping, attractions, historic, musical and arts events, award-winning sports facilities hosting both amateur and professional events, and affordable accommodations.

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The history of Dothan

The area that is now Dothan was inhabited for thousands of years by successive cultures of indigenous peoples. In historic times it was occupied by the Alabama and Creek Native American tribes who were hunters and gatherers in the vast forests of pine that covered this region. These tribes had developed complex cultures, and often used to meet and camp for trading near a large spring at the crossroads of two trails. The first permanent white (European-American) settlers consisted of nine families who moved into the area during the early 1830s to harvest the abundant timber. Their settlement, named "Poplar Head" after the spring, failed to thrive and was all but abandoned by the time of the Civil War.

Contact Information

3311 Ross Clark Circle
Dothan, Alabama

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Businesses in Dothan, Alabama

Here is a collection of downtown Dothan, Alabama businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Highland Oaks Golf Trail


Three nine-hole championship courses


Garden Path Inn Bed & Breakfast


Historic and Elegant Lodging


GuestHouse International Inn


Newly renovated


Adventureland Theme Park

Museums / Attractions

The place for family fun


Annie Pearl's Home Cooking


A buffet to remember


Basketcase Cafe


Dothan's Premier Lunch Spot


Bella's Fine Dining


A remarkable dining experience


Blue Bar & Grill


A place for friends old and new


Conestoga Steakhouse


Voted Best Steak by the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association


Kinza Japanese


Fresh rolled sushi and hibachi


Antique Attic


Antiques and Mid-Century furniture and accessories


Shute Pecan Company


Offering nuts, pecans, jellies and Amish products


The Lampman Antiques


We specialize in antique lighting restoration


Todd Syrup Farm


Raising cane for years!


Folklore Brewing & Meadery

Winery / Brewery

Fresh craft beer brewed in Dothan