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A little about Deadwood

Imagine an entire city on the National Historic Register. What you'll see in Deadwood today is a careful, accurate restoration of a historically significant city. Deadwood's extensive Victorian architecture is unique to the West. While the gold rush of 1876 brought the likes of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane.

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The history of Deadwood

The discovery of gold in the Black Hills in 1874 set off one of the last great gold rushes in the country. In 1876, miners moved into the northern Black Hills. That’s where they came across a gulch full of dead trees and a creek full of gold…and Deadwood was born. Practically overnight, the tiny gold camp boomed into a town that played by its own rules that attracted outlaws, gamblers and gunslingers along with the gold seekers. Wild Bill Hickok was one of those men who came looking for fortune. But just a few short weeks after arriving, he was gunned down while holding a poker hand of aces and eights – forever after known as the Dead Man’s Hand. Calamity Jane also made a name for herself in these parts and is buried next to Hickok in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Other legends, like Potato Creek Johnny, Seth Bullock and Al Swearengen, created their legends and legacies in this tiny Black Hills town.

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Deadwood , South Dakota

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Businesses in Deadwood , South Dakota

Here is a collection of downtown Deadwood , South Dakota businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Boondock's Diner & Amusement


Great fun and food for the whole family


Buffalo Bodega Saloon & Steakhouse


Historic Buffalo Bar and steakhouse, formerly cathouse


Diamond Lils Bar & Grill


Diamond Lil's is a reputable bar and grill with a little bawd


Belle Joli Winery


Taste our award winning wines