
Welcome to Downtown Cripple Creek, CO

A historic mining town and so much more

"A historic mining town and so much more"

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  • Cripple Creek

    Taste the Old West

  • Cripple Creek

    Downtown Cripple Creek

  • Cripple Creek

    Our mountains still show color

A little about Cripple Creek

Cripple Creek is full of museums and attractions that herald its history as an old west mining town. Take a ride on our railroad through the beautiful mountain passes or take a stab at finding your own nugget. We also have hiking, biking, shopping and gaming that is unique and special. You will remember your visit to Cripple Creek.

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The history of Cripple Creek

At an elevation of 9,494 feet (2,894 m) and just below tree line, for many years, Cripple Creek's high valley was considered no more important than a cattle pasture. Many prospectors avoided the area after the misnamed Mount Pisgah hoax, a mini gold rush caused by salting (adding gold to worthless rock). On 20th October, 1890, however, Robert Miller "Bob" Womack discovered a rich ore and the last great Colorado gold rush began. Thousands of prospectors flocked to the region, and before long W. S. Stratton located the famous Independence lode, one of the largest gold strikes in history. In three years, the population increased from five hundred to ten thousand by 1893. Although half a billion dollars' worth of gold ore was dug from Cripple Creek, Womack himself would die, penniless, on 10th August, 1909

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Cripple Creek, Colorado

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Businesses in Cripple Creek, Colorado

Here is a collection of downtown Cripple Creek, Colorado businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Gallery 80860


Regional fine art in multiple medias


Carr Manor Luxury Boutique Hotel and B & B


Built in the 1890's, charm kept with modern ammenities


Cherub House Bed & Breakfast


Victorian style, mountain feel


Colorado Mountain Cabins


Privately owned cabins to fit your needs


Commanche Mountain Chalet


The mountain getaway you dream of


Gold Strike Inn


A beauifully restored Victorian home


Hotel St. Nicholas


An elegant 1898 mountain inn


Victor Hotel


A 10 minute drive from Cripple Creek


Whispering Pines Bed & Breakfast


In the pines just 3 minutes away from Cripple Creek


Big Jim's Gambling Hall & Saloon

Museums / Attractions

Big Jim's is REAL Excitement, REAL Fun, and REAL Friendly


Billy's Casino

Museums / Attractions

The fun of Old West Gaming


Century Casino in Cripple Creek

Museums / Attractions

We feature 430 Slots, BlackJack, Roulette and fun


Colorado Grande Casino & Hotel

Museums / Attractions

History pays off


Double Eagle Hotel & Casino

Museums / Attractions

Everything you want under one roof


Johnny Nolon's Saloon & Gambling Emporium

Museums / Attractions

From Pony Express rider to saloonkeeper


McGills Hotel & Casino

Museums / Attractions

Stay, play and dine


Midnight Rose Hotel & Casino

Museums / Attractions

Elegant Victorian surroundings with true casino gaming


The Brass Ass Casino

Museums / Attractions

Feel what the miners felt


Wildwood Casino

Museums / Attractions

Colorado Fun, Vegas-style 24/7 gaming


Baja Billy's Restaurant & Cantina


South of the border in the mountains


Boiler Room Tavern at the Hotel St. Nicholas


Located in the historic Nicholas Hotel


Costello Street Coffee House in Florissant


More than a coffee house


Creations Everlasting Boutique and Tea Room


Boutique and Tea Room


Cripple Creek Coffee


Coffee, breakfast and lunch


Dirty Sally's Grill and Bar


Local beers and tasty bites


Saddle Bar


Saddle up for local beer on tap and good eats


The Creek


Have a slice and a brew


Antiques & Stuff


Located in in old railroad station


Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad Gift Shop


Historic souvenirs and gifts


Cripple Creek Candy & Variety Store


Handmade, homemade goodness


Hitchin' Post


A different kind of gift shop


Lenko Silver Mine Jewelry and Gifts


Accessories, jewelry and sunglasses


Maudie's Incredible Emporium


Emporium of wonderful things


The Rocky Mountain Canary General Store


Take some Cripple Creek home with you