Trail Days Cafe

About Trail Days Cafe
Here the food is part of your museum experience. We Start with American Indian, which features Buffalo and Elk, next on our menu comes Old World, which includes French, Italian, English, Scotch-Irish, German and Swedish selections. Then we include some Early American such as Ham & Beans, Salmon Patties, and Brisket. 20th Century foods are next where we include the American Farm meals and Town Square Sandwiches (Towns in the Midwest were built around the Court House Square). The final section offers some Vegitarian choices. A colony of Vegetarians came to Kansas in the 1800s to settle. You will be eating in a Victorian decor Parlor, with a fireplace.
We feature a small library for your reading enjoyment and you are free to tour the home while your food is being prepared. We have seven buildings on this historic complex. If you love good old fashioned scratch cooking and History that comes to life, you will love us.
Contact Information
Phone: (620) 767-7986
803 W Main St
Council Grove, KS
Hours of Operation: Tues thru Sat 11-8
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Where is Trail Days Cafe