Alexander Art Works in Council Grove, KS

"Bringing beauty to the world one piece at a time"

Alexander Art Works

About Alexander Art Works

Located in historical downtown Council Grove, KS, Alexander ArtWorks has been bringing high quality and custom stained glass and cut steel projects since they opened their store in 2007.

Locally owned and operated by Bob and Christy Alexander, they work one on one with every customer to design each project from scratch, and provide something unique to everyone. With over a decade of experience working with customized stained glass, partnered with experience with their very own PlasmaCam CNC table, it’s easy to see why A2W’s growing popularity over the years has made them the only choice for customized stained glass and steel products...

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Contact Information


204 W Main St
Council Grove, KS

Hours of Operation: Wed - Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Where is Alexander Art Works