Uptown Gear in Chillicothe, MO

"A wonderful selection for the entire family"

Uptown Gear

About Uptown Gear

Uptown Gear, 617 Locust in Chillicothe, offers a variety of products falling under many different categories. The store is filled with everything you need for the garden including a large selection of garden gloves and gear. The garden gloves range in variety from leathers, fabrics, gripping gloves and professional gardening gloves. Uptown Gear also supplies a large range of garden accessories including many shapes and sizes of kneeling pads, knee pads, hats, visors, garden tools, totes and much more. We also carry a line of environmentally-friendly gloves and gear, as well as a full line of products with proceeds going to cancer research.

A full line of kids’ products is also carried at Uptown Gear including gloves, aprons, lawn tools, lawn furniture, kneeling pads and sunglasses.

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Contact Information

617 Locust
Chillicothe, MO

Hours of Operation: Mon thru Fri 9-5, Sat 9-1

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Where is Uptown Gear