Sam-Poe Gallery in Bisbee, AZ

"Art imagined"

Sam-Poe Gallery

About Sam-Poe Gallery

The gallery is a contemporary art space featuring exclusively the work of husband and wife, Poe Dismuke and Sam Woolcott. The paintings, drawings and prints by Sam are inspired by Bisbee's architectural idiosyncrasies. Fortified stone walls, steep staircases and hundred-year-old miners' cabins lend themselves to a near-abstract interpretation. Her fresh use of color and perspective capture the lively spirit of the town. Poe's work defies easy categorization. His kinetic sculptures and tabletop contraptions are part of a world where tipping ducks, akking crows and disappearing mice co-exist happily.

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Contact Information

24 Main Street
Bisbee, AZ

Hours of Operation: Tue - Sun: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

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