
Welcome to Downtown Berea, KY

Discover a town like no other

"Discover a town like no other"

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    Downtown Berae

  • Berea

    Boone Hotel and Tavern

  • Berea

    We make things here

A little about Berea

Berea is home to a thriving population of weavers, instrument makers, furniture artisans, jewelry designers, glass workers, potters, painters, sculptors, and musicians. The story of Berea’s artisan community is interwoven with the historic Berea College, the first interracial and coeducational college in the South.

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The history of Berea

In 1850, this area of southern Madison County was called the Glade. There was no town, just a loose community of scattered farms known primarily for its racetrack and citizens who were sympathetic to emancipation. Since the early 1840’s, Cassius Clay, a large landowner in Madison County, had sought to build a community in the Glade which would be a base for his own high political ambitions and the abolitionist cause. Located between the solid slavocracy of the Bluegrass and the mountains, he hoped the Glade would provide a gateway into a political base in the mountains. He sold land to prominent non-slaveholders at nominal cost and encouraged abolitionist missionaries to come to the area.

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Berea, Kentucky

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Businesses in Berea, Kentucky

Here is a collection of downtown Berea, Kentucky businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Gastineau Studio


Hand forged jewelry and sculpture


Haley-Daniels Woodworking


Handcrafted fine furniture


Hot Flash Beads


Handmade glass bead wonders


Jeannette's Jewelry


Handmade silver and gold jewelry


Student Crafts on the Square


Handmade items made by inspired students


The Glass Studio


Glass flowing into form


Warren A. May


Stringed instruments and furniture made with pride


Weaver's Bottom


Weaving done by artists


Historic Boone Tavern Hotel


Historic charm with modern comfort


The Doctor's Inn Bed & Breakfast


Greek Revival elegance, Southern warmth


The Greathouse Inn Bed and Breakfast


Arts and Crafts home beautifully restored


Weaver's Rest Cottage


The ultimate in Shabby Chic


Berea Coffee & Tea Co


Outstanding, coffees, teas and bakery items


Dinner Bell


A Berea original, country good


Historic Boone Tavern Restaurant


Exceptional dining


Main Street Cafe


Full service casual restaurant with a international flair


The Artisan Cafe


Casual dining and freshly made menu


Wan Pen Chinese and Thai


Authentic Thai dishes


Bay Window Antiques


Nice selection of collectibles, furniture and vintage items


Old Town Amish Food Store


Breakfast and lunch served


Todd's Antique Mall


Family owned since 1978, we know antiques


Turning Wheel Pottery


Handmade pottery, unique and wonderful