
Welcome to Downtown Abingdon, VA

20 blocks of history

"20 blocks of history"

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    Downtown Abingdon

  • Abingdon

    Walk or bike our trails

  • Abingdon

    Meaningful architecture

A little about Abingdon

The town encompasses several historically significant sites and features a fine arts and crafts scene centered around the galleries and museums along Main Street. You will find things here that are found no where else, handmade and home cooked. We also have places to bike, hike and explore that are truly special.

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The history of Abingdon

The region was long the territory of varying cultures of indigenous peoples, including the Chisca and Xualae. From the late 17th-century, it was occupied by the Cherokee Nation, whose territory extended from the present-day area of borders of Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky through the spine of North Carolina and later into Georgia. Between 1748 and 1750, Dr. Thomas Walker surveyed the land where the town of Abingdon is situated. It was on the Great Road that Colonel William Byrd III ordered cut through the wilderness on to Kingsport, Tennessee.[4] In 1760, the famed frontiersman Daniel Boone named the area Wolf Hills, after his dogs were attacked by a pack of wolves during a hunting expedition. The site of the attack is on 'Courthouse Hill'. In the twenty-first century, the city sponsored a public art event, in which artists created 27 wolf sculptures, which were installed around the town. Most were later sold at an auction to raise money for Advance Abingdon.

Contact Information

1 Government Center Pl #D
Abingdon, Virginia

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Businesses in Abingdon, Virginia

Here is a collection of downtown Abingdon, Virginia businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.


Hidden Memories Antiques and Art


Offering fine antiques and custom framing


Holston Mountain Artisans


To preserve and promote the craft traditions


Mallory Fine Art


A fine art gallery of local artists


1857 Section Foreman Guest House


A beautiful restored railroad house in downtown Abingdon


A Tailor's Lodging


Make yourself at Home in this Charming 1840s Bed and Breakfast


Black's Fort Inn


Historic Abingdon's Most Unique Bed and Breakfast


Callebs Cove Campground


Fully equipped campsites with amenities


Copper Lantern Inn


A true, historic, American Inn awaits your discovery.


Abingdon Vineyard and Winery

Museums / Attractions

Handcrafted wine from our own vineyard's grapes


Grayson Highlands State Park

Museums / Attractions

You'll feel like you are on top of the world here


BabyCakes Cupcakery


Cupcakes, Burgers, Soups, Salads, Hotdogs, Sandwiches and Sweets!


Figaredos Bistro


Brick Oven Pasta, Pizza and Vino, Italian/Mediterranean




Specially prepared American fare


Rain Restaurant


Casual Dining Experience in Historic Abingdon


The Tavern


Gracing our community since 1779


Abingdon Olive Oil Company


What Olive Oil aspires to be


Brandywine Antiques


Some of the finest antiques in the area


Forget Me Not


Voted Abingdon's Best Boutique


Foxglove Antiques


Specializing in Fine American and English Antiques


Greer Jewelers, Inc


When quality and personal service matter, shop here!


Katbird's Wine and Gourmet


Wine, gourmet food, Italian pottery, gifts and gift baskets


Persnickety Uptown Ladies' Shoppe


Latest contemporary womens fashions